Funny Dare To Dream Shirt
I dream a lot. Almost every day. I once tried to keep a dream journal, but having to write these long dreams every day became tiresome. Anyway, I have had many dreams in which I die. I’m so used to dreaming that I barely get scared anymore. There was one dream in particular that I found really interesting. Long story short, a man put a gun in the back of my neck and shot me. In the dream, I fell and I could feel the warm blood sliding in my neck while I lost consciousness. When I woke up, the back of my neck was really hot. It really felt as if something was actually there. Funny Dare To Dream Shirt. Not all of the back of my neck was hot, just where the man put his gun.I just had the weirdest dream experience, please help me interpret it. (read until the end because the beginning is kind of dumb). —Also, I don’t know if this makes a difference but this happened during a nap that I accidentally fell asleep and had.I’ve been lurking in this subreddit for a bit, but this is my first post here. I keep a dream diary because my dreams tend to have a lot of recurring elements in that I see the same people, whom I’ve never met in real life, and while the dreams I have tend to be in different places, they seem to be set in the same worlds. Funny Dare To Dream Shirt. Specifically 2 different worlds. One that takes place in a sort of fantasy setting, and another in a futuristic setting.
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