Original Llamaste Yoga Vintage Shirt
Is that the one where she mentions being a little loopy on cold medicine? I’ve done it because youtube recommends it and my hips and lower back need it. But I think it is maybe not one of her best because she’s sick. She thinks Benji is sitting on her because she’s sick, somehow they always know. Original Llamaste Yoga Vintage Shirt. I believe it is! She may be a little loopy in that video, but it’s great at targeting the area it’s meant for in a gentle way. And haha maybe that’s why! “I can feel your pain.” Sits on her “There. Better now?”You know. My dog does this every morning with me when I wake up and stretch. You think it’s because she wakes up when I do. Original Llamaste Yoga Vintage Shirt. I reach up and then touch my toes and I always see her right there next to me, stretching. It’s super cute and has been going on for a few years. So it can’t be a coincidence. Working out around dogs is always a mistake. They’ll do something precious, adorable, or funny and you’ll get distracted, OR it’s constantly being loved on by an animal that’s variously confused at what you’re doing or super pumped yours at prime licking height. Probably related to the many health issues the breed has. We selectively bred them so it’s 100% human’s fault. Some people even see owning one of the breeds as perpetuating the suffering of the breed as a whole. It’s kinda touchy if we think an entire species/breed is suffering just by existing, does that make it right to genocide them?
Buy it: Original Llamaste Yoga Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Original Llamaste Yoga Vintage Shirt

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